Was asked by Elite Carriages to shoot some creative images for their upcoming advertising campaign and new website as well as the string of wedding fairs they are exhibiting at this autumn. Elite Carriages (website will go live in next few weeks) is run by Trevor Hunt and has 3 stunning wedding cars for hire, a Bentley Arnage, a Rolls Royce Silver Shadow and a gorgeous open top Beauford finished in dark red with piped cream interior. We chose the newly opened wedding venue Wasing Park in Berkshire for the location as it has a castle barn, private roads and it’s own beautiful little church!. I used my new assistant Will Driscol (thanks Will!) on this shoot which turned out to be perhaps one of the hottest days this year and we both ended up with a cracking tan and slightly sunburn faces!. After shooting lots of details of the cars which will be used on the website I had the idea of creating a feeling of movement for some of the shots so I asked Trevor to drive the car at speed down one of the private roads with me standing in the passenger seat shooting the bride and groom models in the open top back seat with the trees rushing by and after a few takes we got a lovely image with bride and groom sharp and an impression of speed everywhere else. It was only after we finished that I realised had we hit a bump at nearly 50 MPH i would no doubt have lost my balance and tipped out of the car, not a nice thought (I don’t think my insurance covers this type of activity!!). We ended up with some really cracking and creative images that will hopefully set Elite Cars apart from the others in the market and all in all we had a really fun day, thanks to Trevor and the team of models for their hospitality and for looking great on the day!. Will and I finished up with a well deserved pint in the local village before heading back home. I will be posting some of these images in the next few weeks on my The Bridal Photographer website so don’t forget to check back and have a look!