
Wasing Park Wedding Photographer | Claire and Chris Spring Wedding

The first proper wedding of 2013 for me was that of Claire & Chris who tied the know at the beautiful Wasing Park in Berkshire on the 16th March 2013, it is a venue I have photographed many times before being a wasing park wedding photographer but one that still provides unique photography opportunities in the stunning grounds and the bridal suite, with it’s enormous double bed,  is one of my favourite “getting ready” places of all the venues I photograph. The couple had pretty good fortune with the weather during most of the morning but then the spring showers came in meaning we were dodging in and out for photos. In the end we decided to do our couple session after dinner before the speeches whilst we still had some daylight and we headed off with big white umbrellas in hand to get some lovely shots. I actually love it when couples still want to brave less than great weather with the brollys as you can get some fantastic shots very different from your normal opportunities.  I do remember that the best mans speech was full of props and very, very funny!

Here above  is a slideshow set to music of some of my picks from the Claire & Chris wedding at Wasing Park.


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