About 5 years ago my now wife and I went travelling throughout South East Asia and over to Australia and New Zealand for about 3 months. We were both unbelievably moved by our visit to Cambodia both the incredible temples at Siam Reap and Ankgor Watt and the horrific history of the Khmer Rouge and the Pol Pot regime down in Phnomn Penh. The poverty of some of the families was truly heartbreaking and we found young mothers in cardboard boxes in the streets with their newborn families. We were also very shocked by visiting some of the better restaurants in Phnomn Penh and seeing these very young girls perhaps no more than 11 or 12 dressed-up to the nines with false eyelashes, full make-up and provocative clothing on the arms of male tourists being paraded around like trophies. It was much more shocking than what we had already witnessed in Thailand. Therefore when I was approached recently by a charity who were looking to raise funds to raise funds to finish the result of 5 years hard work in the form of a Documentary focusing on the street kids of Cambodia who are victims of poverty, AIDS & pedophilia, it immediately struck a chord with me and I wanted to get involved. I have donated two Signature prints photographed in Angkor Watt to the fundraising site and am really hoping some people who might be reading this blog would feel motivated to provide a donation to the charity to help it reach it’s target funding of $18,800 to complete this important awareness documentary.
Here is a short description of the project “The Altruist” so far from their own website:
The Altruist has been shot over a 5 year period, where we have collected over 80 hours of footage. The principal filming has been completed, and we have edited down the footage to a three hour version. We need post-production funds NOW in order to edit our three hour rough cut down to a one hour TV documentary.
To support The Altruist & M’Lop Tpang, award winning photographers and artists from around the world have donated signed prints of their Cambodian photos/art to our fundraiser. The photos not only help a charitable cause, but make great Christmas presents. Please click on the photo you like below for more information or to purchase.
Prices of prints vary depending on size and quality of print. Please visit our Kickstarter Campaign Page, or click the Buy Now links in the image captions below.
Thank you for your support, if you want to find out more please visit the links below:
Gallery of donated photographic prints http://thealtruist.net/blog/fundraiser
Here is a video of what we are all trying to achieve, it only lasts a couple of minutes so PLEASE click here and watch it.